Taking up the White Man's Burden again this week, a visiting friend and I have been trudging around the bars on the Silom 6 area (with the exception of Tawan - steroid-filled bodies leave me nauseous, and running into Molly Meldrum just makes it so much worse). And a warning for all you size queens out there - Solid Bar seems to specialize in Tiny Tools. Any of the fingers on one of my delicate hands would put the offerings of Khun A, Bee, Sri and Oh, not to mention Moo and Guy (to name but a few) to shame. The odd one out (and a pun is intended here) is #15, "Oddie" and one would be erring on the generous side to describe his weapon as "average". And some of them describe themselves as "top" :cyclopsani:

Nature Boy is as outrageous as ever, no place for the faint at heart. Super A, well, draw a veil over that episode is best, I think and Golden Cock has always struck me as the name that might be given to a rather nasty venereal disease. I did get a decent but over-priced Thai massage (no hanky-panky offered or taken, but I gather it's available) at the Indra (Indara??) "Spa" - it seems every massage clip joint calls itself a spa these days - opposite the Tawan Bar

A week in the life ...