Hi All

I have been visiting LOS for many years now and really miss the bars of 20 years ago. When I first discovered Thailand you could walk into a bar, be greeted by any number of boys, shown to a booth and be left to enjoy the boys company and personalities (and the odd game of touchy/feeley under the table). The boys were free to approach the customers as they wished and pick their own customers. Now it seems all the bars I know have gone the 'meat market' way. Boys on display on stages with numbers to be called over with the intervention of the Mamasan or Captain and the associated demand to buy the boy a drink etc.

Does anyone know if there are any of the older 'sleazy' style bars left, where you can walk in, the boys are free to approach you at will and you can enjoy the company of 1, 2 or 6 of the boys as you wish and enjoy their jostling with each other to be the centre of your 'affections'. I kinda like being 'the hunted' occasionally.

Will be visiting again in January both Bkk and Pattaya and would love to find a few of these bars again if they still exist.