Quote Originally Posted by Once In Awhile
This all goes back to a jewellry heist in the very early 90's by a Thai domestic worker which was followed by the murder of 3 Saudi embassy staff in Bangkok. Up to that time Saudi Arabia had employed thousands and thousands of Thais but virtually all were let go. And from that time Saudis were banned from travelling to Thailand. Recently many had started to go back but it seems the Passport and Immigration Office have decided enforce it once again. There were a couple of articles in the Saudi Gazette the last couple of days, one of which gives a rather good history of the whole thing.

If youy do a search of the Saudi Gazette you will find a couple of articles about it.

Anyway, it has nothing at all to do with disease and is really more of a pissing contest between the 2 governments. Things had started to thaw but since the coup in Thailand it seems there has been freeze again. There was talk a year ago of opening direct air links again but a friend of mine who works for Saudia says it's all on hold again.

Having worked and enjoyed my time in Saudi and knowing how strict the Saudi authorities can be for enforcing things in general in their own country... maybe one of the ministers was overcharged for a cappuccino in BKK on one of his visits and decided to get his own back (joking).

After seeing the various comments on this thread I would tend to agree with Once In Awhile reply for the current problems between the two countries.

I wonder if the Saudis are stopping Thai Muslims visiting Mecca (no I am not talking about the bingo club).

Oh just before I go... I would never class Thailand as a hell hole.

Thai_Faen :bounce: