Several days ago I sought some advice from the guys about getting a new camera for the next vacation in Pattaya. Some very helpful ideas were offered, I especially appreciated the ones who suggested I take a survey of the types of pictures I take and how often I use a camera. Also someone mentioned not investing too much in a camera that will be outdated in a short time.

I'll tell you the process I used in researching a new camera. Since I use a camera mostly on vacations 2 or 3 times a year, but I take a few hundred pictures when I get going. Then the camera sits around for 3 or 4 months. I looked at a few varieties of cameras with a bias that I wanted it to be powered by AA type batteries. I'm sure I would play with the zoom and wear out a special camera battery and not be able to charge it up with different currents around the world or on a ship at sea. I also wanted to move up the food chain from 3.2 mega pixels. I looked at the Nikon L1 and Nikon P1, but settled on the Nikon 7600, which has 7.1 mega-pixels, so some cropping can be had without effecting the 4X6 pictures I usually make. The L1 has AA batteries but only 6.1 mega-pixels and the P1 which is 8 mega-pixels is the camera I would like but it has its own special battery and charger. I am pretty sure I want to stay with the AA so the 7600 my default choice. Again, thanks for the helpful suggestions, I read them with relish and appreciated the input. He He, If I am not happy with this camera, it will be my own fault. :ufo: