When I stayed at LaCafe Royale, I had such a good time, I was impressed with the room I rented, the driver and car that picked me up and I loved Throbb/Splash. I was more than happy to post my thoughts on the place... All my thoughts were Positive and on return visits I still found the hotel to be a class act but the show at the place was not as entertaining as I remembered it and I said so on the message boards. Shortly after my post, I found that the management of the place was active on the board! I had no idea! If I had known, I wonder if I would have been so free with my compliments and complaints?

It happend again when I visited Krazy Dragon. I loved the place but had some negative things to say. True that the negative things I offered were small and could have been dealt with very easy by anyone who was bothered the way I felt bothered.... But after my post, I went back and the staff were very apologetic to me and much kinder than usual. something was different and I was not sure what it was.... I was not sure until I came back to the board and was told that the owner reads the board! Later I saw some posts by the owner...... I felt so bad for employee who I had made negative comments about. Everything I posted was the truth but I don't think I would have ever said it on here if I had known that their employer would see what I said.

I think it is great the the owners and managers are active on boards like this but at times I wish we could speak freely without the hammer falling on an employee or two who may have had a bad moment, hour, day or weekend only to have them exposed to their boss in a one sided opinion of a drinking poster who is trying to write an interesting/entertaining post related to a person, place or thing....

So.... if I have anything negative to say about an employee of a bar, I will not mention the bar to protect the employee....

That is all..... This was on my mind and I just wanted to say it.