Sawatdee Friends,

Finding a good Barber in Pattaya was a chore during my early visits.
Many that I visited had dual pricing and some charged whatever they felt I would pay
when I got out of the barber's chair.

However, now that "The Odd BARBER" has opened his new Barbershop,
I visited there six times over the past three months,
and I can highly recommend him, his staff, and their barber services to you.

He is on Soi VC - 504/509 Moo 10, Soi VC, South Pattaya. (located next door to a new Family Mart on the corner)
about a block walking on Soi VC - East of Sunee Plaza, The White Knight Buffet Restaurant, La Cage Bar, Top Man Club
and close to Soi Yensabai - Condos, Thais4Life Charity Bookshop, and The Gay Pattayan's bf Ken's - Non-Cafe.

Haircut is 60 baht, shampoo 60 baht, shave 60 baht, cleaning ears 60 baht....
and they advertise on their main window - manicures and pedicures at 70 baht each.

Always offering FREE hot coffee and hot tea.
The shop is air conditioned and comfortable in all new
barbershop fitted and decorated beautifully.

I have seen Odd and another Thai Barber working the shop together -
Both are highly skilled Barbers!
...and may I add - very both are very handsome too :-)

Open 7 days from about 9:00am to 9:00pm or so.

I have seen many Sawatdee Friends in the Barbershop during my visits.

Stop by and say Hello!
And, enjoy a good haircut and barber services from a very talented Thai Barber - (his name is "Odd")
with a future - thanks to his special Farang friend :-)

I am pleased to recommend Odd at "The Odd BARBER" to you.


Footnote: In looking over back issues of Pattaya Weekly Report,
Wally of Thais4Life reported in the December 3, 2006 on the Grand Opening of The Odd BARBER.


"The glitterati of Pattaya were all there - the Patron - Charlie (of erstwhile Charlie Boys fame) and his prot├йg├й - Od and close friends and family were all there.

"It was the grand opening party for "The Odd Barber" on November 30.

"The premises has been fitted out in a sparkling black, white and chrome theme, and Charlie has spared no expense to make this what must be the most well appointed salon in Pattaya.

"Guests were invited to partake of a delicious spread - provided by White Night Restaurant, and drinks flowed freely to ensure a convivial atmosphere. .

Photos of the opening night party are included in the Weekly Report.

My Thanks to Charlie for providing Odd and his customers such a grand Barbershop :-)