Hi, I am leaving London on 27th to see b/f in BKK. after seeing each other for 2 years I have been invited to visit his family north of Khon Kane. we are spending new year with his parents and older brother and sister. we have visited many countries together in the Last couple of years and had 7 or 8 holidays together. Not sure if my b/f is str8 or gay and do not think his parents know he used to work in a bar in BKK.

we will be staying in hotel in KK before traveling to his village. this way I can get some sleep after long flight and some sex before we go visit family. I have seen photos of b/f house and looks ok but none of the luxury of a western style hotel. so will be fun>>>>??????? I will act as my b/f friend from the west. i do not know what his parents will think. I have met his brother at thai boxing match in BKK before (hes str8) and have chatted to his parents on the phone and his sister too. but not sure what they will make of me being a friend of their son.

My ex b/f of 5 years took me to meet his mother many Thimes before but he was 100% gay and proud. this will not be the same for b/f. I'm 38 years so not a massive age gap, hes 24 years. I guess be even western standards I'm considered to be rich farlang, well doing OK so not sure what their reaction will be.. Ive heard i will get well treated in village and my b/f has been planning this trip for 4 months. i want him to look Good and will let him deal with all money matters, so he keeps face, and i have said we will not show full effection whilst we visit.

we are there for 3 days and any advice would be welcome. think i could spend most of my time fending of b/f's sister
who is looking for a farlang. I guess their not stupid and have some suspicions why i am with my b/f.

happy Xmas. guys