I've not posted an update recently on the progress of my HIV+ boyfriend. I'll be spending Christmas and the New Year with him so will have a clearer idea of how he's doing fairly soon. Unfortunately two of his friends have died recently. Both from the effects of AIDS and this has obviously upset him. One of them was a close friend who had been abandoned by his family and who died alone in a Bangkok hospital. My boyfriend couldn't get there in time from Ratchaburi but travelled later for a Buddhist ceremony and was the only person there. He was in his early thirties and it's so sad to think of him being so alone. I had hoped to meet him on my forthcoming trip but it was not to be. The other friend was much older and his family had kept in touch with him and my boyfriend visited them after his death.

My boyfriend has a recurrent stomach problem but manages to stay positive and rarely misses his College course. His CD4 count remains stubbornly low which is a worry and he has little energy and gets tired very easily. But he remains positive about eventually getting a job and supporting himself again. His biggest ambition at the moment is to persuade his doctor that he's well enough to extend his time between appointments from three to four weeks. He finds the journeys to Bangkok very tiring and hates missing his college and also has to lie about why he has time off.

He gets depressed occasionally and will cry when I talk to him on the phone but most of the time he's remarkably optimistic and always planning something new for the future.

I'm looking forward to seeing him at the Airport soon and giving him a very big hug.