Quote Originally Posted by christianpfc View Post
Exactly! You could draw arbitrary lines on the map that people are not allowed to cross, or full curfew people with odd or even birthdays, switching every week between odd and even, it would have the same effect as the current limitations (international borders).
The arbitrary lines thing has been tried.
(i) In Wales, the devolved regime at one point had a limit on how far people were allowed to drive to visit others. As if the distance traveled makes a difference to who you infect after getting out of the car. Also, it's discriminatory as people in some areas could visit tens of thousands of people within the limit, whilst those in rural areas could visit hardly anyone (if following the stupid rules).
(ii) Even at the start of the UK lockdown, people were always allowed to exercise outside locally. So the plods in Derbyshire were stopping people driving 5 miles from their town to exercise out in the Derbyshire countryside. Any fool can see the latter is lower risk than exercising in town.

The time to have international travel restrictions was January 2020, with a ban on travel out of China. The WHO screwed that one up & argued for the exact opposite.
Don't ever forget that.
Yet Tedros is still in his Job. When he ought to be at least fired, jailed or something even worse.
Defunding the WHO was just about the only thing that Trump got right (that I know of).