
Study: U.K. gay men make more than their straight counterparts
Are you a gay man? Do you want to make more money? It helps to live in the United Kingdom
At least that's what a study published on Monday by the gay publications Diva and Gay Times suggests. It showed that gay men in the U.K. earn an average of $60,998 per year, compared with the general male population, which pulls in $44,232. The findings were reported by Agence France-Presse.
And British lesbians earned an average $10,700 more than the national average for women, take two more vacation days per year, and spend about $714 a month on credit cards, the survey reported.
The data is just adds to the mountain of evidence that a sizable portion gay men and lesbians have cash to spend. And companies are looking for a variety of ways to cash in.
"Now that the market is able to be accurately measured, more companies can develop marketing plans to better position their brands to attract gay and lesbian customers," Ian Johnson, managing director of Out Now, told the Guardian newspaper. "Benchmark U.K. brands such as Barclays Bank, British Telecom, HMV, and British Airways have all shown marketing interest in targeting the spending power of the gay and lesbian community."
He added, "These companies are assessing their products, their communications, and their distribution strategies to improve their gay market positioning." (