Is pepper spray legal to buy and own in Thailand? Where can it be bought, and what is it called here?

I've re-started a fitness routine, and so far it is long walks on the sois and streets of Jomtien. I want to escalate that to running/jogging. The problem is: soi dogs.

Even on the normal walk to get to Beach Road, I pass a dozen or so dogs -- for the most part, the very same ones day in and day out -- and every so often one gets in a cranky mood and snarls, growls and crouches down as if to attack. Next walk, the same dog is indifferent again. Go figure. Maybe they are moody, too?

Anyway, I fear (and my doctor confirmed my fear) that when I start running, I will up the ante and aggravate the dogs much more and will have them chasing me. And, since these dogs are not solitary, but cluster around in packs, I fear canine mob rule will take over with me as the prey.

So, I'm looking for something less lethal than a gun to use to repel any such attack. Pepper spray came to mind as the more "humane" way to repel the canines. I'm open to other suggestions, though. Any serious ideas?