Deja Vu is happening to me again on the tourist situation with some friends visiting SE Asia starting in January. I have told them that three 30-day entries into Thailand needed in 40 days total time outside the USA is FINE, without formal visa. However, they are confused by the recent news.

I have always thought for some bizarre reason that a single tourist visa application was limited to 1 or 2 entries. I have poured over the pages from the Thai embassy in DC and I am unsure. It is not clear. It seems to me that they could get 3 entries from one application (at no real need, of course, and at $25 * 3 = $75.00). They will be well under 90 days total in Thailand so that is NOT an issue. Are 3 entry tourist visa applications possible? They could then have their richly deserved peace of mind before leaving their beloved homeland, or maybe the embassy staff will tell them they don't need it.

I don't see the 'new rules' in regard to 30-day stays in the information on the web site so the contention of others in this forum that this will be something theyll warn you of as you come in with lots of stamps might be correct.