Was relaxing on the beach yesterday and bought a few things from vendors on and off during the afternoon.

Along cam the gay porn dvd sellers and of course i had a browse and bought 4 asian ones and a farang one for my friend.

( how long have the sold CD`s on the beach? - never saw this before)

Anyways they must work in teams - after i bought my 5 DVDs along came another vendor - i said " have already" but before i knew it he thrust a pile into my hand and said look look - very young boys!

I glanced at top of pile and there were 2 young farang kids ( couldnt have been more than 8-10) in explicit pictures.

I freaked and pushed them right back at him and told him to get lost and my Thai friend also told him strongly to go away.

Just the thought that i was in possession of those things for even just a few seconds makes my skin creep!

What a chance for a sting for the unsuspecting newbie to Jomtien.

Dont touch the CD`s on the beach or you are asking for trouble!