I wonder how many posters use AirBNB. Technically it’s illegal in Thailand - like prostitution - but seems to thrive. However some condo building managers are fighting back anyway. Apparently some AirBNBers hold noisy parties, disturbing the long-term residents. (Who’d’ve thought?). In one condo I know there are stern warnings posted against short-term lets. The same building however itself does month-by-month lets for a minimum of one month. In another there are large signs in English everywhere - clearly aimed therefore at tourists - asserting that someone who has paid for a day or a week is “trespassing” and, if detected, will be arrested and charged at the nearest police station. My guess is that in practice, if not in law, this is sheer bluff. Certainly tourists can be seen arriving and departing on an almost daily basis with the inevitable multiple large suitcases. The signs are clearly generic with the usual bullshit about “the Juristic person” without actually identifying how one would find such a person to hand oneself in (the recommenced course of action) so I guess there’s a market for such signs for condo management