A few weeks ago I needed to fill in some time in London between a boozy lunch and a boozy dinner engagement. Not wanting to arrive at the latter pissed, I took time out to sober up in The Locker Room at Kennington.

These places are not normally hotbeds of conversation, but when one guy rather loudly observed that he was sure his dad was gay, several people got into a frank discussion about bisexuality. Going round the room, of the eight or so people there, all had had heterosexual relationships, and barring one guy who said it didn't do much for him, all were actively bisexual to a lesser or greater degree. One guy said he was married - did she know? 'I think so, but we never talk about it' - he replied.

It rather confirmed my long held suspicion that the proportion of men who are to some degree bisexual is actually pretty high, and that the number who are 100% gay, actually quite small.

The trouble with bisexuality of course is that very few women will tolerate their men having sexual relations with someone else - of either sex - so people like me who are pretty active on both fronts come to live parallel lives - we have gay friends and straight friends but keep them in different orbits.

But what of the sex scene in Thailand? Catering as it does very largely to unattached men, or attached men whose partners are a long way away?

The LoS has gay bars and girly bars - but is there a single go-go bar that has both boys and girls on the same stage? (ladyboys excluded)

Maybe there are, as my aversion to loud music only increases with age, I focus more and more on the quieter places - but if not, there has to be an opportunity there..