In another thread ("What do you stock up on?") Doug mentioned things he was bringing with him for his three-month stay. In his post he listed gifts of real Levis, chocolate, cologne, several cheap souvenir T-shirt from my city, a stock of maple leaf pens and pins

Every time I'm planning a trip to LOS I'm faced with the same old challenge: What sort of items shall I bring to friends there this time? Business associates are a different thing, there are established criteria for them; and I've read that "local souvenirs" from my home area are usually appreciated, but I like some variety.

In the past I've brought things that friends have mentioned they liked or couldn't find easily there, such as calendars, scenic picture books of the US or my state, candies, etc. One friend received the latest Harry Potter book that wasn't out yet in Thai.

Since I'll be there in about a month, I'm shopping and stocking up again. In addition to the inevitable suggestions of "necklaces, cash, rings, water buffalo, scooters", what would you bring?

What gifts have you brought to good friends that seemed to genuinely please them?

Thanks in advance, guys.