And Christian may I suggest you find a new "interaction" coach as the farang you said "gives you tips how to pull boys" doesn't it seem to be doing a great job, either that or you're too harshly interpreting his instructions,

In Bali ( and anywhere in life I find) a little bit of relaxed chat and banter, a little bit of flirting ( ohhh that shirt looks great on you, you're eyes they so bright, ahhh you're a really handsome guy, where you from?) ( pa sound familiar - Thai guys have been doing it to you for years now) goes a long way. Then adding that to "playing the field" until you decide who you're going home with - so not saying no but not cutting off your origins either "awww I not know what my plans are yet, I need to see farang friend soon to eat / drink / discuss tomorrow ..... but maybe we can meet later as you're cute" can also go along way on leaving you a well padded "dance card" to select a willing victim from later - but mainly just be NICE and open and friendly and try to have a bit of a laugh and genuine interaction on some level with the guys will go a long way and also usually improve your chances of having an enjoyable night out.

I'm guessing that the above to you ie standing talking what is basically bullshit all night is the very LAST thing that you would call enjoyable and to you would be both boring, a poor use of your time and non productive as a lot of time would be spent talking to people you may have already decided in your 5 second introductory skin, temperature, tattoo that's etc that they're not the guy for you anyway - but his MATE might be and by cutting him off and making yourself look "weird" you've just killed any chances of that happening either.

So whilst the above may be almost physically painful for you to bare I'm guessing your choices are to carry on as you are ( how's that working out for you) OR to work on your "people skills" so as to learn to bullshit and flirt like the rest of us who don't either suffer or are happy to have ( never sure which it is with you) your condition.

But if your mate there in Bkk isn't telling you this stuff you need to find new mates who know it - and may Ines who talk to "real" guys too every now and then and not just bangkok and pattayas finest money boys as those conversations are about as far removed from real life that you can get.

Ha on that very point - one guy last night messaged me - i come you fuck me - me no thanks - him only 500 !! ( I know that got your attention :/) me - still no thanks ( I was already in bed and couldn't be arsed - so I say "sorry I no change - him, no problem, I come you fuck me 30 minute, you give me 1000, I go get change and I leave you my phone as security until I come back with your 500. ( I still said no for the record as he's bored me by then) - but THAT is a great example of the NON real world conversations that you might only hear in the likes of Pattaya !! Lol