Dave Ellis proprietor of Butterfly Bar and recently joint proprietor of Top Man had an almost miraculous escape and writes to friends

"I had a very bad car crash last Saturday at 5 am when my car left the road and went into some trees in the middle of the carrageway. I was knocked out but came round and climed out of the drivers window, the door would not open. I was OK, no signs of body damage, just torn muscles etc. However I am getting flashbacks and a rolling sensation. The car went over and rolled while I was out cold. I am extremely lucky to be here today.

I have had a brain scan etc and they found nothing wrong from the accident but I have a small damaged vein from a very small 'stroke type thing'. Could have happened long ago and I would never have known if this had not happened. The hospital say that the rollings sensations will stop after about a week, so I look forward to that. I have attached some pic's for you to see the car damage.

Don't worry, I am going to be OK. Bye to you all

Dave Ellis