Its been brought to my attention that my profile name has been added ( as well as just about anyone elses profile name thats ever posted on any other board from what I can now see after checking - ripping off profile names MUCH Bruce ?!!) as having appeared in some kind vote of "who's posts do you like best" or some shit like that, ( yet another poll it seems as of course there's no one posting jack shit there and it seems most people want to know fuck all about you and your Bitcoin board Bruce from what I can see) - anyway let me make it CRYSTAL clear - I have never joined, nor posted a single post to Bruce's board / attempt at hijacking this and other boards and nor will I EVER.

Of course now it's left to others to decide if the above is accurate or not, but I'm telling this from the horses mouth and you can take that for what it is I assure you. That the poll seems to relate to just about anyone who posts on other boards and not even his own ( how desperate is THAT Bruce) and I note that Bruce has now actually taken to trying to literally pay people to post ( in bit coin of course....I'm guessing you you need a bitcoin wallet for that Bruce, any suggestions per chance ?!) - good luck but I want no part of it.

So Bruce - leave me out of your shenanigans please, to be clear I want nothing to do with you or your (dead in the water) board as like it or lump it your (online) reputation does precede itself and after reading plenty unfortunately I feel there IS more than enough info there on which I can make that decision. You may say you're a lovely guy and whiter than white and that everything said and posted about you online elsewhere is ALLLLL lies and mistakes, but I'm sorry I don't buy your BS, so I hope that clarifies my position on the matter.

So, don't fuck about using or adding my profile name to you board again "please" - I thought your board was "meant" to be above such nonsense - obviously NOT.