Why do Thai gay bottoms.... when you ask for photos.... always only send a photo of their cock??

I don't even want to see that! I want to see their ass!!

I just don't get it. It happens 100% of the time. Crazy!

How can they call themselves.bottoms..... Don't they have a clue about what a top wants to see.....?

These apps waste SO much time.... I literally had to put in my profile text:

" ( I don't want to see photos of your cock. I want to see photos of your face, naked body, and ass. ) "

Most people don't bother to read it tho.

When I asked this of one guy just now, he sent me a very dark distant photo of himself, fully clothed. I said, What is this? He said, Photo of my body. X(

I'm telling you..... It's still a million times easier and better to just go to "2 Brothers" here in Chiang Mai.... or Dream Boy or one of the massage shops in Bangkok or Pattaya..... than to waste all day on these stupid apps! Even my bf, who's a super hot underwear model, hates those apps... You can never see what people *really* look like... and people play endless games of trying hide how fat, old, or ugly they are.... ( I don't hide that I'm old and fat, compared to them, but I'm willing to pay money... which more than half of them will later inform you that they expect anyway. )

In a gogo bar or massage shop, there's no hiding! What you see is what you get. .....which is 10000 times better, in my opinion.