Do any of you work in Thailand with Thai people?

This is a very difficult thing to do if you are used to working in another culture. Unless they are a carpenter, mechanic or other skilled person then Thais have no ability to understand how to do anything which requires use of mechanical devices such as pliers etc. I am sure if you have never worked with Thais then you find this difficult to believe. Speaking from experience, I can say that it is very frustrating because you must take so much time in such efforts that you will find yourself just doing it yourself. The same is true of driving. I am sure that somewhere along the way someone destroyed all of the geometry books. Have you every watched the average Thai driver trying to park a vehicle. Absolutely no understanding of angles. Parallel parking is a real joke because they will try over and over to drive forward into a space rather than backing into it. The forward maneuver is simply not possible but they just can't see this.

I have always wondered why they talk so much about everything they speak about but I am sure you have noticed that they do this. Any simple conversation which would take any Westerner a maximum of 15 seconds will take Thais much longer. The reason for this was explained to me by a Thai friend who has lived much of his life in another country. He explains it very simply: Thai people do not have the ability to "fill in the blanks." Thais must talk on and on because nothing can be left to the imagination of the other person. As incredible as this sounds it does explain how long they talk to one another.

It has been a really tough day.