I figured it anyone knew how to use Grindr, it would be my fellow gay Thailand sex-pats / sex-tourists. Ohhh... I mean "desperados". I think that's the term we're using now, right?

Anyway, just bought my first tablet today, a Samsung Galaxy Note, or something or another. Considering I develop software for a living, you'd think I'd know how to use one of these things, but in all honesty, I don't have the slightest idea. I did get Grindr installed, and it seems to have picked up my location fine, but it's giving me people in places like Cambodia, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, etc. I want people in my city (or neighborhood would be even better), not people in the next country over.

Can't seem to find any settings to change this. What am I doing wrong?

Bonus Question: Anyone know how to get the Thai alphabet going on this thing? I only seem to be able to bring up the English keyboard.