In September, I will be arriving in Thailand for a 3 month stay. I have looked into several travel insurance policies with agencies and on-line and it looks like I'll be paying around CDN$550 for the 3 months. In view of the fact that we don't need to pay for medical insurance here in Canada, this seems like a big chunck of cash I won't be giving to the handsome Thai guys.

Is this a good price? Are there any alternatives I should investigate? Do you have any companies you'ld recommend? Is is feasible to arrive in Thailand then subscribe to a local medical insurance program?

I guess you need to know a little about me. I'm 61, in very good health, no hospital stays since a broken leg in 1972 and I don't smoke.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Now I'm going over to the Resource Forum to see what's there - something I should have done before writing this.

And, Noi, if you're reading this, I'll see you in 43 days....but who's counting.