With all the delicious food to be had in Thailand, I am pleasantly surprised that most all Thai's are not overweight or fat. Sure there are some that are a few pounds heavier than what is the norm, but for the most part the Money-boys seldom have any extra pounds.

One day I was running around with my friend that works massage on the beach. We were doing a lot of walking and window shopping and just having fun as we made our way to the mall. It was becoming early evening and I asked him if he was hungry. He told me no and suggested that if I was hungry and wanted to eat with him, I should have mentioned it earlier. He went on to tell me that he must stay slim so he does not eat when the sun begins to set. I thought about that and remembered that I too had that eating rule years ago when I was single and trying to attract my lover. Once I moved in with my lover that eating rule came to an end.

Now I am back in the USA and at the beginning of last week I implemented the eating rule that I like to think of as the Money-boy eating rule. I now only eat breakfast and lunch. If it's late in the day and I get hungry, I make a fruit smoothie. So far it seems to be making a difference and I hope to keep it up till I return to Thailand in September (Yes, I pushed my return date back a few weeks).

Now aside from all that, I must say that i am jealous of you guys that can enjoy a evening meal with your special guy. It seems the only time I can enjoy a late meal with a thai guy is after DJ Station is closed and the noodle soup vendor is open.