Something positive for a change

During the last two months, my boy situation has considerably improved. Most of my last posts about dating Thai boys were negative, so let me sum up positive experiences.

We have P on Koh Si Chang whom I met on Camfrog first and visited more than five times on Koh Si Chang. On my first visit, I took ferry from Sri Ratcha to Koh Si Chang while he took ferry from Koh Si Chang to meet me in Sri Ratcha. So he sent a relative to pick me up at the pier. Apart from that, everything smooth. I donтАЩt plan anything, just tag along and was happy most of the time. When he plays volleyball about two hours in the evening, I use that time for running. (I donтАЩt like ball games, unless they are played by cute boys shirtless, which was not there case here the one occasion I checked.) On my first visit, I wanted to give him 1000 Baht, he refused to take it. On subsequent visits, he asked for money only twice, I gave him 1000 Baht each. Last time he announced he would come to Bangkok for a training course, I was hoping I could return the hospitality by inviting him to a place of his choice, but something went wrong with his trip (see retard thread; I will try to elucidate next time we meet by innocently asking тАЬHow was your trip to Bangkok?тАЭ. Sex is so-so, everything else is fine. Long may it continue!

Utterly boring, isnтАЩt it? But wait, it gets worse.

Then we have G, moneyboy in Pattaya. First encounter September last year was promising, then he changed bar so we lost contact for a while and since we met again a few months ago it stayed on high level. I see him every time I go to Pattaya. I tried to involve him in other activities than sex, but no interest so far. If he rather sleeps or watches TV or whatever than going on a sightseeing trip with me, so be it. I lost too much time in the past trying to tag boys along. There is one minor problem: he seems to like sex at night (that is 2 or 3 am, when I would rather sleep), whereas I prefer sex in the morning for two reasons. One is that I can fit in another boy in the night before, another one is that our bodies and mattress and duvet are in thermal equilibrium after sleeping the full night in the same bed. I prefer this very much to just-out-of-the-shower-still-wet-and-cold. And he sleeps long (last time we got up at 2 pm, no sex) whereas I would get up around 10 am and then have another roll in the bed. Nonetheless: long may it continue!

He has now a contender whose wake-sleep pattern matches mine better. In addition, there are several straight boys in Pattaya who I met more than once or would like to meet again and who are just a phone call/a short ride/a drink and an off fee away.

If you havenтАЩt fallen asleep from boredom over so much harmony, here is another one.

And a boy D whom I met in Babylon Sauna on 21.09.2013. He doesnтАЩt speak English, we communicate only in Thai. After the sauna encounter, we met every week except two. I still donтАЩt know exactly where around Sanam Luang he works and what time he finishes work at night (between 10 and midnight). I once managed to have him come to my place by taxi and failed twice. Maybe I have to continue picking him up at Sanam Luang and then either go back to my place if he can stay over night or go to a short time hotel in the area. There are worse scenarios to spend and evening than going to Khao San for dinner and a stroll, then checking whatтАЩs going on around Saranrom (but I canтАЩt take anyone, even if there are some who qualify!) and then go back to my place. Apart from the failed taxi attempts, efficient communication in Thai and acceptable delays.

(And for those who think I am too cheap: the first time we meet in Babylon Sauna, I didn't give him money. All following meetings 500 Baht "for taxi when you come to visit me next time" just to smooth things up. If 500 Baht makes a difference between "see you tonight" and "I'm too tired, it's too late, it's raining, I'm hungry, too far, too dark, too sunny, too cold, too hot, too windy...the list can go on" I will happily give him 500 each time we meet. And it works, he calls me regularly.)

Update: He is as much working at the night market as I am going for a stroll around Saran rom. (I.e. he is working at Saranrom and I am looking for other boys because there is more talent and I like variety.)

He is a total bottom. But before we get into fucking, I let him writhe of pleasure under my hands and mouth until he begs to be fucked. I have to get up at 8 because I start work at 9, whereas he starts work in the afternoon. The first over night stand he got up with me, the second I told him he can stay in bed and I came back at lunchtime and we had lunch together. I think throwing someone out of bed at 8 am after a one-night stand is a human right violation. That opens a possibility to realize a dream I had long time: sex during lunchbreak! He is untalkative (but setting up a meeting by phone works fine), and when he says something itтАЩs in low voice and difficult to understand. Non-verbal communication is extremely confusing, in the sauna I couldnтАЩt figure out if he was walking away or wanted me to follow to a room, so I left him alone and we met again later by chance. No dropped phone calls, efficient communication, acceptable delays. Long may it continue! With hindsight, I might have dismissed him if there had been better light. I have seen cuter faces, but body shape is very fine and in the sauna with shorts it looked even better.

Another recent encounter (the first encounter in real life that lead to sex!) is very promising, we met twice so far, and I am very optimistic that we can meet every week from now on. I would even go as far as to say that expecting any further improvement (i.e. finding a boy that is a better match to my preferences) is unrealistic.

Five boys I meet regularly for sex (Koh Si Chang every two or three months, Pattaya every month, Bangkok every week) might be a poor yield for four years of traveling to Thailand and one year of living in Bangkok, but better than nothing. Update: with two boys in Bangkok that I meet every week, and occasionally going out alone or meeting friends for non-sexual activities, there is no time for more boys and as stated elsewhere I am in a state of fatigue/satiation/desensibilisation. Having sex twice per week is enough.

If you think this thread is too much focused on sex, other reasons why I come to Thailand have been discussed elsewhere.

If you think there is not enough sex, read on. My two favorite encounters with moneyboys.

About two years ago, I was in Night Boys (Silom Soi 6, closed over a year ago), last customer. All boys were standing with their front to me, there were two cute ones, but I am a big fan of backsides (spine, shoulder, nape of the neck), so I was hoping they would turn around. They didnтАЩt. I offed one (no tattoos on his back, what a luck). After showering (separately), we went to bed and he fell over me like a hungry animal over its prey. Finally he lied on top of me, his erect cock between his and my abdomen, and at the same time allowing me to access his back, shoulders and butt with my hands and feel his hairless balls and rub my dick on his warm, soft, brown, hairless thighs. Lovely! Unfortunately, Night Boys closed before I could come back and all I have is a name and home province. Should have taken a picuture. (He had no phone, but invited me to meet again the following day to buy him one.). A year ago, staff at Super A remembered him (or just lied to me), said he would be working at Screw Boys, but I couldnтАЩt find him there.

Another encounter was at X-Boys in September 2012. The boy I fancied did look completely uninterested, didnтАЩt make eye contact with me nor with anyone else. I was pondering long time that this canтАЩt end well, but when he stood to arrange his underwear, exactly like in this picture (jaafar used it as avatar), he won me over.

I had to invite him for a drink. Things turned better, good English, great smile, so I offed him. Skip details of activities in my room. When I went to X-Boys again, he was gone. After the usual lies from mamasan (he was here yesterday, he will come again tomorrow), I finally got a lead from a waiter who knows him.