I left Bangkok Saturday and arrived in Singapore on my way home. I was worn out after 2 weeks of chuck, suck and fuck so decided I'd make a detour to Bali for a few days to recover. I stayed with a friend who has a beautiful house in Seminyak. No funny business, though. He's straight and although he said I could bring a guy back to his place, I decided against it. We just went out to nice restaurants every night. I was telling him about my exploits in LOS and then realised I hadn't reported much on Thailand. So for those who are interested, here goes.

In Bangkok I had my regular guys so didn't go to many bars. I did drop into Classic but didn't see any guy who was out of the ordinary. There was, however, a guy sitting with a black man next to me. He was playing with the farang's cock under his shorts. He didn't pull it out but it was visible for all - a massive cock that the boy was stroking. It was HUGE and all the waiters came running over to have a look. hehe. The boy had a rather frightened look on his face - I didn't stay to see if he offed the boy but it could have been a rather painful experience, I'd think!

I actually gave up on the Scorpion Bar, as Mr Cutie usually wasn't there and the other Vietnamese boys can't speak English or Thai. One Viet boy was out in the soi dragging in customers. As I left, he indicated he wanted to go with me. Apparently, he would botom for me. So I promised I'd be back later. When I returned from an hour of Natureboy fun he sat with me. He only speaks Viet so I asked the manager to translate for us. It turns out the guy is definitely top only. WTF?? The manager then said "He have big cock." With that, he put his hand down the front of the guy's jeans and within seconds the head of his now stiff cock was peeping out above his belt. Wow! I pencilled him in, so to speak. Most of the Viet guys ignore the customers and just chat amongst themselves. One night they were playing Battleships,m even though the bar was full. The manager eventually confiscated the game. I can't see how they would make any money. Are they freelancers? Does the bar pay them? It's a mystery.

I also dropped by the Golden Cock one afternoon to meet up with Pan. He's a top but gives excellent "service" - works really hard. After dinner I did my usual - went to Scorpion, then Natureboy and then Super A. The last 2 nights I just spent at Super A and Natureboy. Goodbye, Scorpion Bar!

I have a regular guy in Pattaya; he used to work at Eros and I offed him 3 holidays in a row I think...not sure. After he left, we kept in touch by email and I phoned him. He came over to the hotel and we just spent the entire afternoon in bed, getting...er...re-acquainted. Becuase I had him on call, I did not go to as many gogo bars as usual. Here's my list:

Krazy Dragon

Back to tabletop dancing. Unfortunately for me, most of the guys are a bit too fem. My, how things change! 100 b for beer, 150 b for boy drinks. Quite a few boys - around 15 or so.

Happy Boys

Again, too fem for me. There was 1 masculine guy (Kim?) with a big cock who sat and had a drink with me. Trouble is, he drove me mad with "We go upstair?" So I left.


By far the most interesting bar. No contest, really. It's Natureboy multiplied by 10. Cocks and butts in your face, all night long. Guys getting totally naked, fooling around with each other, etc. One night, a farang opened a bottle of whiskey. Before long the boys got drunk and the fun started. It was like watching a porno movie. About half of the boys are fem types (but not the screaming types) and they enjoyed sa-moking each other. The little chubby manager was enjoying himself chuck-wowing the boys. The other half are masculine, older types - around 25, 26 years old. Just my type!
The first guy I called over - Fong - unfortunately was a bit too fem. However, he has a huge cock and speaks excellent English. Not your typical uneducated Isaan farm boy! Tang - who looks a bit like a thug - is actually a really nice guy. He came over to me and shoved this MASSIVE cock in my face! We then sat and watched in amazement as it quickly went soft before our eyes, and then got hard again! Up and down like a yoyo...hehe. A guy called Man is also very charming. In fact, come to think of it, there were heaps of masculine guys available. The cutest by far is San (Sun?). What a lovely guy! What a lovely smile!
A lot of farangs were servicing, and getting serviced, in the bar. One boy wanted to pull my cock out and chuck-wow me but I drew the line at that. "Why? Can do here! make you feel good. Sabai, sabai," he said. Now, I LOVE that attitude but still, I can't bring myself to be so bold in a bar. I've got a hotel room for that.

Goodboys Bar

I walked past this bar on my first night, and who should be sitting there but one of the twins - Nop. He asked me to go behind the screen and chuck-wow him, so I did. Huge cock, huge cumshot. He gets cuter the more I see him. "Where's your twin brother?" I asked.
"He is jail. 10 years." Nop indicated that his brother had stabbed a guy in a fight over a woman. I was shocked. Speechless. I didn't ask if he killed the guy. My regular said that he probably did if he got a 10 year sentence.

However, most of the time I spent with Jack. It's still interesting to go to the gogo bars every now and then. Always nice to new talent.