Returning from Jomtien the other day with some friends and a Thai regular of mine the following happened..
It was crowded on the baht bus and a group of 4 or 5 relatively unkempt and unattractive women entered and one or
two squeezed in and the rest stood.. I am very familiar with gyspies pickpockets from spending my youth in Italy and
Spain and my anti-pickpocketing radar went off immediately..One of the women put a plastic bag down and a French speaking
farang's back pocket was inches away..I saw her other hand move in behind the plastic bag and knew she was trying to lift
his wallet ...I interrupted the farang who was chatting away with a friend and pointed to my eyes and then to the bag and the
hand..His hand went right to his front pocket and as he turned the women who has just got on and got off and paid and then got
on another baht bus right in front of this one..

Another time, on a baht bus, a friend of mine saw a pickpocket take an elderly farang's wallet and grabbed the pickpocket's hand with the wallet
still in it..The elderly farang was so grateful his wallet was saved and the crook just got off and probably back on another bus..

Be very aware when the baht buses get crowded and you get bumped and pushed..Odds are good that your pockets are the target and
don't be shy..They are cowards and thieves... Watch your pockets, dears............