The Lotus has been my preferred accommodation in Chiang Mai for a number of visits to that city. That preferential status is now being re-evaluated following my recent sojourn. Why?? It is the 17% they add to everything purchased at the hotel. 7% VAT, surely that is the cost of doing business and if they want to recoup it it should be reflected in their various price list/menus. 10% "service charge" in other words mandatory tipping. In whose pocket does this end up? the staff?, based on Thai practices, doubtful. I am a generous tipper in my own right and know that tip will usually end up in the intended staff pocket almost str8 away, or in the case of general/tip-box tips the end of the working day.
1 week discounted room advertised 840B in actuality 982.8B, 160B meal 187.2B, an expected 500B at the bar (based on drink list prices) 585B. Trivial amounts you may think but over the course of a week or 2 not so trivial.
I have not seen these taxes so blatantly applied in any other hotel I have stayed at, sorry Lotus you've done your dash with me.