Tuberculosis is very prevalent in southeast asia and Thailand.When I went to the hospital last time I was there the doc told me that 25% of the population have been exposed to the bacterium.I slept with a boy who had active tb,luckily for me when I was tested for it here it came back negative.I should have known this boy was sick because of his bad cough and weight loss and a small tatoo like mark on his shoulder. Anyway to treat tb you need to take about 4 different antibiotics for at least six months,to get rid of latent tb.If its active you may need more and for a longer time.There is a vaccine called the bcg vaccine and its not available in the U.S because tb is not too common and its only really effective in children.Its available here in Thailand because of the prevalenc.the other downside to it,besides its inefectivness,is that you will always test positive for tb once you get the vaccine.just wondering if anyone else is concerned about the tb or have gotten the vaccine.