I am not a member of Gay Thailand or any other board except this one so I cannot take my objections to the other board but what does piss me off is when someone and there have been a few, who have written nasty, provocative, condecending posts and then they get upset when they get me to react. I guess that is what was meant about TROLLING.

The latest has been the constant attacks from A447 who recently posted:

Posted Yesterday, 02:27 AM

Today I posted on Sgt that perhaps the buyer had gotten cold feet.

I also told the present owner to spare us all the long farewells.

Finally, I suggested that it seemed only positive comments were welcome.

That post got me banned. Haha

Here is yet another example of a post that was made to insult and enrage and TROLL. The problem here is that A447 has softened the way he relates the post but basically is correct when he said that he posted to spare us all the long farewells.....

What he fails to report is that there were numerous times he was asked to please hold his posts his constant barage of insults, complaints, PROVE IT! posts etc until the new owner took over. Rather than do that he like a few others continued with thier digs in order to try and get a flame going and then goes to another forum and cries that he only asked innocently who the new owner was and got banned. Seems like he forgot to write that the system generated message told him that he was banned for only 7 days so he could think about his posting habits but wanted it to sound like he was permanently banned.

LOOK, because of everyting going on in my life right now, both medically and physically I'd appreciate a break and if you want to push buttons well dont be surprised if I oush one back.

It's all about trolling and insighting of fights on a board. Trolling is not allowed no matter who it is.

Oh and PS, the new owner has not had a change of heart or cold feet we are just waiting for the banks to confirm everything prior to making huge changes.