Quote Originally Posted by Jellybean
I would like to ask bruce_nyc two questions. Who is your master and why were you bating him in your own room? : )
I would like to ask the same - I for my part like to masturbate sometimes alone in my room.

It is definately* even more pleasant with freinds** and thier*** friends

*) Idiot-speak for "definitely". One of the most common moronic misspellings found on the internet. Urbandictionary.com

**) how dew u spel friends? Urbandictionary.com

***) a common misspelling of "their"; Often made by new generation kids who spend all their time slacking off in school, and using abbreviations on nearly any word concievable; Urbandictionary.com

English is not my 1st language, so I'm sometimes puzzeled about how native English speakers spell some words - fortunately there are the internet and spell checks.

Neal may not like my off-topic remark but I had to get this off my chest for once.