Krazy Dragon Notice.

To All Krazy Dragon friends, customers and staff,

As many of you know, we will be retiring from the Krazy Dragon at the end of this month. We would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you, for helping to create such a satisfying and pleasant place of entertainment over the last 7 years.

As happy as we are to be moving on to the next chapter in our lives, we can not help but be a little sad that we will not be seeing all of you on such a regular basis. We have enjoyed (almost) every moment here, from some of the hilarious conversations to the numerous Krazy Dragon parties and events.

But, beyond this, most of all we will miss working with such a group, of amusing and friendly staff a good team of individuals. We are so proud of what we have accomplished over the past 7 years, and we truly appreciate the support shown to us by all of you.

So, a very big thank you to everybody. Its been quite a ride. We hope to see most of you when we are out and about in Pattaya. In case you did not know the new owner George is now living in Thailand, we are sure you will all show him the support you all gave to Mark and I.

We wish the continued success of the Krazy Dragon, for many more years to come.

Once again thank you,

Mark and John :bis: :bis: :bis: :bis: :bis: :bis: :bis: :bis: :bis: