I arrived a few days ago in BKK and had the easiest time through immigration and baggage ever. Outdoor public taxi had NO LINES. I was on my way to my hotel quickly, very little traffic, no problems, so I was off my flight and at my hotel in less than one hour.
I had existing reservation and so I was out the door quickly and at the bars in no time. I immediately hooked up with a guy I know at the bar and got a special off rate of 100 baht. (one night only). There were fewer boys but still a good selection, midweek so no bar traffic. Had an enjoyable experience with my friend.

I enjoyed an afternoon massage at Sun Massage next door to Tawan. When I go to massage, I go only for true massage and I had a great massage with masseur I know. It was late afternoon, saw 2-3 customers during my visit. I did not see many boys or customers at Indra across the street.

That night I visited the bars upon opening at about 8:30 or 9 PM. I was only customer at Dream Boy, about a dozen boys on stage. Then visited Xboy, great lighting at this bar, many handsome boys, I think most a bit fem . About a dozen customers at show time.

Popped my head into Fresh Beach Boy. I think this bar is on the way down. No customers. Seemed like mostly the same guys on stage, about 8 of them.

I then visited XSize for 5 year anniversary party. I am happy to report that I still like this bar because of variety of types and always have good treatment from staff because I always tip them. I think they are trying to increase off fee to DB/Boys Bangkok level but I got discount. The bar was full for the party, few empty seats, not noting many offs. I stayed for Handsome Boy contest. They also had several different cabarets and shows. I offed guy I have known since he first started working at another venue 4 years ago and we always have a great time.

Easy to get around immediate area, I visited several areas of Silom and Convent, a few sandbags but easy access. Number of boys at the bars down a bit, they said some went home during flooding. Some said they are going home soon to plant rice. Many handsome boys, prices stable, but obviously a difficult time for many. I think it is a good time to visit.

{edited to put the date in the title, without it, post can be from anytime -
When adding a current affairs post please include a date in the title - jinks}