Last nite i ventured out for a while and ended at Boystown -- had a very nice roast chicken dinner on the veranda of Cafe Royale (390 b)
I was there about 9.30 ,very few guests at CF eating or drinking but there and across the soi at the ambiance there was a steady stream of farang (sometimes + thai in tow ) going in and out the doors -- high season starting ??

Moved down further down and had a few drinks at oscars (baileys @ 150b i think ) - Oscars ,Panaroma and new bar Thong (former Amor premises ) had plenty of customers -- the one obvious exception was BBB -- the "madame " was sitting alone at one table and one other gentleman of advanced age at another table -- hardly anybody went in or out the doors from what i could see ---

the night was progressing nicely ,( caught one cute guys eye as he passed with Farang,he came back and passed me his number --gotta love them ,thai boys are so industrious lol )and i wandered around to Happy Place -

Havent been there in an age and wanted to look at the show --it was well on when i looked inside -- sat down ,plenty of customers --was served a v decent sized G & T (160b)-but no nuts/cold towels (mabye there is a shortage due the floods haha )

The show was good ,catchy tunes ,the show boys dont have a lot of room to work with and whilst i was there nobody fell off the stage ,so that was good i suppose lol

The sexy show was excactly as it says on the tin !!!! Sexy --5 or 6 odd boys showing off their manhood in various degrees of teasing before all was revealed at the end --
Then there was another catchy tune at the end and all got up on stage --and it does seem to be a Happy Place --the boys are of different styles , staff not intrusive -- one guy kept catching my eye - num starts with a 3 !! - small lad/big cock -- (i like that type ,current bf/gik only weighs 49kgs and his cock prob accounts for 20% of that lol )

- Anyway he got himself good and hard before he got up on the ledge and positioned himself about 3/4 foot from my nose -- (made a note to myself to return for him another nite ) as i had prior engagenments to deal with !!

I really like the sound system also ,i like clubbing and the music sounds good there

Neal did not pay me any money for the above review by the way ( :occasion9: ),i saw him come in once or twice ,and we have never spoken/dont know each other -- the bar is what it is!!!!! --

After that i looked into Lucky 777 ,toyboys --lots of boys ,very few customers in them tho

But Boystown much busier than a few weeks ago !!!