Hello Sawatdee Friends,

Recently as I was viewing the online edition of Bangkok Post I saw a side-bar advertising a new on-line worldwide newspaper service. The on-line free edition does not contain all the newspaper stories published that day - only select articles.

As I do like to read many newspapers daily, if they are available, I clicked on the ad and was invited to try the service for 7 days free with NO credit card provided up front...Simple enough - no risk - just a 7 days free access to any of the newspapers worldwide offered.

I have been using 6 of my 7 days free subscription and I must say I am impressed! I have read the Bangkok Post each day - even before it is on the newsstands...which here in Thailand is almost 8:00am or much later in many areas.

Also I have read the USA Today and Herald Tribune newspapers for free. Many more papers are offerred.

Today I have been offered by e-mail a 30% discount if I subscribe to the service. The normal base cost is $9.95 monthly to access 31 editions of any of the newspapers you have chosen. That alone is cheaper than buying the Bangkok Post at 25 baht daily for a month. I can choose which papers I want to read....they are delivered and accessed on line. By using the provided Press Webviewer I can see the exact newspaper pages as one would read if the paper was in your hands. Back issues for several days are also available to read.

I like the idea and will subscribe to it and try it for another month and possibly more. Good value and I can access the newspapers from whereever I am...in Thailand or USA or anywhere I can access the internet. I can read Bangkok Post some days and others other days...up to me.

I think this may be a good way for many who enjoy Thailand keep abreast of the happenings from your computer worldwide.

Each day I get an e-mail message when a new edition is available to read of the newspapers I have chosen. I can choose to download the newspaper and read it off-line (an idea for road warriors) or just access the newspaper on-line from my computer.

The newspaper on-line edition is easy to read and can magnify any section of the page to see details easily.

I suggest you try it...it may be of your liking...and again there is a free 7 day trial use...no obligation and no credit card given for the free trial.

PressDisplay.com . is the name of the newspaper on-line service:

http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx .

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