a good source of daily newspapers...

As a retired expat now living in Thailand, at times I miss
having access to my favorite daily newspapers...
from my hometown, country and even from within Thailand.

I live in Chonburi City - 65 km North of Pattaya -
where access to buying a Bangkok Post...or The Nation is almost impossible...

So I have found this website which for US $9.95 monthly
which allows me access from my computer any 31 issues in a month
of many, many newspapers published around the world...
and that's cheaper than buying the Bangkok Post or The Nation for 25 baht daily.

I can pick and choose which paper I want to read...can skip a day or two as I wish...
can download it to my computer and save it..or to an I-Pod for reading later...or simply
open the paper as I wish ...throughout the day or night ...and read the paper.

I can enlarge the page for easier on any phone number to dial...
open a web page address which may appear in an ad or story...all while reading the news.

You can do many things..e-mail a page to a friend and much more...

It has been a godsend for me..and I am thankful for having access via PressDisplay :-)


and the can for FREE...access the front page...
scroll around and read the front page of any newspaper for FREE...
NO subscription needed. Try it out...hope you like it!