Apparently, the latest Thai pop sensation is a chick who performs a song about itch ears (i.e. saying "my ears are burning").

Only if you watch the video and don't speak Thai, you'd think it was was another part of her body itching. :sign5:

One of you bar owners has to get the male version of this performed in your bar. :rolling:

Steamy performance lands latest Thai pop sensation in hot water
Lindsay Murdoch
October 4, 2011

BANGKOK: At last Thai people have something to talk about other than divisive politics or street protests.

She is Nong Ja, a 20-year-old student whose song about an itchy ear has taken the country by storm, attracting a staggering 16 million hits on YouTube, along with 100,000 ''likes'' on her Facebook page.

Ms Ja is Thailand's hottest act at the moment. Her photo has been on the front pages of newspapers, television stations flood her with invitations, and she has stage appearance bookings well into 2012.

But Ms Ja's performances have outraged social conservatives in the predominantly Buddhist nation and prompted many complaints to the Ministry of Culture, which is considering the matter.

Having an itchy ear is a Thai idiom which means somebody is talking about you, not unlike Western people saying their ears are burning.

The trouble is that in her performance the scantily clad Ms Ja does not confine the itch to her ear as one of her hands goes towards a more intimate part of her body.
Her critics say little is left to the imagination.

The song also has obvious puns that some might regard as lewd word plays more suited to a late night comedy show.

As the song quickly became Thailand's most popular - you hear it in taxis, in restaurants, in tuk-tuks and even on motorbike taxis - Ms Ja was accused of all sorts of things, including being a prostitute, which she is not...

Read the rest of it: ... 1l5bo.html

I had to get someone to send me the link to this video as I couldn't find it at first.
