cant remember the name of the beach bar but its futher along the jomptien gay beach from tui's
i spent a few afternoons there earlier this year taking in a few beers and a very pleseant breeze
one thing struck me as very odd .. which was thus .. there was a pretty old farang guy maybe german id guess close to 70yrs old .. who was sat with a young very dark skinned thai boy.
now i know some thais want a relationship with farang because of the dollar but these two may did not make sense to me what so ever.
they sat next to each other the times i was there for at least 3 hours each day .. not saying a word or even looking at each other .. i can understand why the farang would want to be with the thai guy but not why the thai would want to be with the farang .. he looked as bored as hell and im sure he was .. so why was he there i would have thought it would have been far more exciting to be back at home looking after the buffalo than bored to tears on the beach.
are some thai boys that desperate they would waste year after year with a farang who could do nothing for them just to survive ? a different mentality to us in the west i know .. but even if i was destitue i could not do what that boy was doing .. sorry if some of this makes not a lot of sense im just home from the pub and this came to mind .. be nice to hear what some of you guys think .. and also what youre thai boyfriends think about it too ..cheers