Well a447,

Don't know about you, it appears only these couple of drop dead gorgeous gays from ' down under ' can have the Cambodians drooling after them wherever they go, eh?

So, no mention of any big scene that me and you missed out on then?.......... That makes me feel better!

I share your disappointment with the gay scene, however I as do you, like the Country. It has a stronger buzz and vibe than Lao but I stick with what I said, Lao is far better ' tradewise' and the scene in Lao is none commercial, it's just the mentality is similar to the Thais sexwise.

There are many Lao who will have sex without monetary considerations but plenty of good/great looking ones that want money too such as those in the Universities. And long may it continue in my view.

I've said many times here, I am not after a new love of my life just like to spice up my existing life now and again. In my travels, I found many Cambodians I ran into wanting you to sponsor them through ' university, financial help etc as some kind of Sugar Daddy without the sex! I'll give that one a miss thanks.

I preferred the Cambodians I used to run into in Pattaya and even in the big house. They were far more accommodating but we must all speak as we find.