Shit! Who'd have thought anyone would make such a suggestion? More on that in a second.
Last Friday I arrived back in Bangkok and headed off to Nature Boy. I always drop in for an hour or so of cock play before heading off to more salubrious surroundings for the night. I spotted a new young guy so I called him over. I forget his name/number but he was really cute and had a nice cock. He is one of the most handsome guys I have ever seen in nature Boy. Now, I know that is not saying much, but go check him out. I didn't off him as it was too early in the night. I intended to go back later but other guys entered the equation during the evening. I walked by Solid and who should I see waiting outside the karaoke/disco next door? None other than my old mate Yaa from Solid. He recognised me immediately and we started to chat. Karaoke/disco is not my thing so I said I might come back to see him before they close. I then headed off to Soi Twilight and had a beer at the new Blue Man bar. As I was about to enter the bar I was aproached by a cute little masseur who put his arms around me and pushed his cock into my groin. We became instant friends. "I meet you here at 1 o'clock when massage finish. I massage you your loom. No need pay 400 baht massage fee."
I agreed to meet him and went into Dreamboys for the show. While sitting there I was appraoched by a guy who called my by my bname. :Remember me? I Jack. You Rojaa!" Wow, what a memory. I offed him a number of times 3 or 4 years ago. He has a great body and fantastic cock. But my mnassage boy - from Burma - was waiting for me. I had a bit of time to spare and went into Ocean Boy, but nothing to report there. At 1 o'clock I went to the massage place but there was no sign of the guy. I waited for 15 minutes then was told by another guy working there that my boy had a customer and couldn't see me. I was in panic mode. It was past 1 o'clock, all the bars were closed and I hadn't found my partner for the night. I walked back down the soi and suddenly a very cute guy from the snooker bar next to Dreamboy came up. He has the most amazing smile. After a quick negotiation we went to my loom. He was to stay the night (I don't so short time) and I could fuck him. On reaching the hotel, he was asked for his ID card. He didn't have one! I asked the long-suffering women at the reception desk what they thought. Their opinion was that he should be ok as he was over 18 but that I should be careful. One of the ladies described his as a "jungle boy." We headed off to my room.
It was all downhill from there. After his shower, I had mine and when I came out and was ready to get down to action, he said "good night" and rolled over to sleep! "Not so fast!" I said, thinking of the loser I had offed a few days earlier in Pattaya from Eros. So he put his feet behind his ears and the fun began. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be enjoying it and it looked like it may be painful, so I stopped. He went into the shower for a minute, came out and said "I go home now." I got really angry, told him to get dressed and then pushed him out the door. He kept banging on the door asking for his 1000 baht. I eventually stormed out and went down to Screwboys, hoping iot would still be opena nd that I could find someone to sleep with. He followed my all the way asking for money. "Fuck hin!" I thought. He lied to me and didn't give what he promised. In the end I shoved 200 baht into his hands. "No, I want 1000!" he shouted. "O.K," I said. "If you don't want it.." and grabbed it back out of his hands. "o.k! O.k!" he said so I handed it back to him. Unfortunbately, Screwboys was about to close (by now it was 2:10 am). Even so, they tried to drag me inside to buy a drink. "But you have no boys!" I cried. "It's o.k. You can buy drink." With that, I left dejected and went back to my loom alone. sob...sob....
Saturday night I went back to Nature Boy but suddenly remembered the guy I had met earlier told me he was going back to Isaan the next day. Still, I went in hoping for the best.


Yes, in Nature Boy! Again, he was a new guy with a beautiful smile. I immediately called him over and we chatted over a beer and cocks. (Stay with me on this one - the story gets better and better, trust me!) Although it was really still to early for me to off anyone, I just couldn't resist this guy. Fot the past half hour his middle finger had been softly and slowly massaging the underside of my cock and I was in raptures. I offed him - only the second time over many visits to NB that I have offed a guy from there.(Last year's guy was a real dud.)

Back in the loom we showered and got down to business straight away.I won't bore you with the details.....oh, alright then! If you insist. After 10 to 15 minutes of 69ing he got down between my legs, lifted them up and started rimming me!!!!!! (Am I geting too graphic for you? If not, read on.) At the same time he was expertly chuck wowing me while rubbing and squeezing my nipples with the other hand. He then moved up to my cock and gave me the most awesome blowjob while his finger brushed over my asshole. "I'm cumming!" I warned him and with that, he swallowed my cock and took it in the mouth!!!!!! Fuck! I thought I had died and gone to heaven. He spat it out into a handful of tissues and then rolled over and I chuck wowed him. He was moasning and writhing in pleasure until he reached an explosive climax.
Now, I'm sorry but I forget his name and I don't think he had a number. But if you go to Nature Boy, there are only 2 handsome boys there. To find out which one thsi boy is, I guess you could ask each if they rim and take it in the mouth. Maybe they both do.
I then staggered back to Soi 4 to recover. The place was absolutely jam packed. Standing room only. After a couple of pina coladas I dropped into Xsize. I had a guy sit with me - number 6. He looked half thai and half arab. We watched the guys rotate on stage and I spotted another obvious half and half. Number 6 said he was half Thai and half "Dubai." He had a great cock which he displayed in the otherwise boring show. I decided enough was enought and it was time to go back to my hotel, although I was starting to feel horny again. As I was walking out of Soi Twilight, who should accost me but the handsome guy from the snooker bar. I was about to tell him to fuck off when he started to apologize profusely for his previous night's behaviour. Well, one thing lead to another and he ended up in my room again. I know! I know! But his smile was so captivating. This time he performed a lot better - sa-moking and chuck wowoing me- and he did cuddle up to me during the night. But he got up at 7 am and said he had to go. I was expecting some morning action (it's why i don't like short time) but thought "Well, o.k." I handed him the agreed amount but he demanded and extra 500 baht. I of course refused as a) that was not the original agreement and b) he didn't perform in the morning. He accepted this and left with a smile. I now think that maybe he doesn't work at the snooker bar - that first night he probably was just sitting there. I also realize that he is probably a street kid from a dubious background. He told me he had been smoking since the age of 11.
Sunday night I had 2 options regarding a sleeping companion - off my usual boy who fucks like a rabbit, or go back to Nature Boy. It was a tough decision, but I decided I wanted to fuck someone on my last night. I went to Solid and offed my guy early. We had a show to see! Ocean Boys had some kind of special show called "Mr too big, too long" and I asked my guy if he wanted to go. Now he's 100% gay so he was quite interested. I bought the drink vouchers at the desk set up outside and we walked in. I looked at the stage. I thought, this must be some kind of sad joke. There was an 80 year old (or older!) woman doing a Thai folk dance. She was so old she could hardly move. At the endof her performance she was roundly applauded as she hobbled off stage.
- Hey grandma. What did you do last night? Did you finish your knitting on the sofa?
- No, sweetie. I danced on stage in a gay gogo boy club in front of hundreds of men.
- What's a gay gogop club, grandma?
- It's a place where farang go to buy boys, take them back to their loom and fuck them stupid.
- Wow grandma. You're really coooooool!
After a few more high quality acts, 3 guys came out on stage and sat down. It was a chuck wow show, my favourite!
A bald guy with a huge cock won it - he stood up, moved towards the front of the stage and spewed huge ropes of cum onto the floor. He was awesome. I wonder how long he'd been saving that load.
- Hey, uncle. What did you do last night? Play x-box?
- Nah, sweetipie. I jacked off on stage in a gay gogo boy club in front of hundreds of farang and sprayed litres of nam wow all over the place.
- Wow, uncle. You're really cooooooool!
This was followed by a very entertaining magician act.
The highlight of the evening was the advertised event. Not just another big cock show, but 10 contestnats came out one by one and 2 grossly obese ladies boys measured the cocks of the boys as they lay on the stage. They called out the measurements as they went. Some impressive dicks were on show and the boys had fun making them dance around. By now I was too horny to wait around to see who the winner was (in my book, they are all winners) so we went back to the hotel.
Now they guy I have offed so many times over the past 2 years is a consumate performer. He's gay and genuinely enjopys sex. During the night he can't keep his hands off you and I often woke to find him playing with my cock. He loves being fucked and sa-mokes like only a true gay can. He is also very affectionate and cuddles up to you all night.
I told him I would recommend him to the readers on this site but he, oddly, asked me not to. So I'll respect his wishes. But there must be lots of guys here who know who I'm talking about.
If you are still with me, thanks for reading my post. I way prefered Pattaya over Bangkok. The boys are more realistic when it comes to compensation, they are great performers and there are a lot of masculine guys - more that I have ever seen in Pattaya.