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Phuket Standoff as Taxis Blockade Cruise Liner

ABOUT 180 local Phuket taxi drivers blockaded the entrance to Phuket's deep sea port today in the latest of a string of disputes involving cruise ships and the US Navy.

Passengers from a Silversea cruise ship, the Silver Spirit, were not being allowed in or out of the Phuket deep sea port, at Ao Makham on Phuket's east coast.

Phuket Vice Governor Nivit Aroonrat arrived at the deep sea port, along with police, and was attempting to negotiate a rapid settlement to the dispute.

Frequent blockades by local Phuket taxi drivers who perceive shuttle bus transport as a threat to their livelihoods have over the past 18 months blackened Phuket's name as an attractive, trouble-free holiday destination.

Today's blockade is likely to bring to a head the simmering issue of damaging Phuket blockades on cruise ships and the US Navy. Complaints have seldom brought a suitable reaction from Phuket authorities.

About 475 passengers on board the Silver Spirit were planning to use tour buses rather than local taxis to get to Phuket City and Patong, the leader of the local taxi drivers, Narong Kumbaan, told Phuketwan at the Phuket deep sea port today.

He said use of transport other than local taxis on Phuket represented a threat to the livelihoods of the local drivers. The drivers were asking 500 baht for a trip to Phuket City, 15 minutes away, and 1500 baht to Patong, 30 minutes away.

Taxi fares on Phuket are on par with taxi fares in developed countries, but often without insurance, service or suitably high standards inside vehicles.

US Navy vessels have continued to visit Phuket despite a string of blockades and broken promises from local authorities that the problem will be resolved.

Cruise ship lines have shown the same faith in local Phuket authorities to address the issue.

The blockades are the manifestation of Phuket's continuing ''public transport'' crisis.

Control of ''public transport'' largely rests in the hands of a growing number of legal and illegal taxi and tuk-tuk drivers who see a monopoly and high prices as an effortless way of earning a living.

A large number of ''taxis'' on Phuket are not officially registered as taxis. Whenever a new Phuket resort opens, local taxi drivers swiftly inform resort management that they intend to be the transport preference of the resort's guests.

In recent years, Phuket's Governors have failed to find a solution. In avoiding a confrontation, extortionate fares and standover tactics have flourished.

The Silver Spirit, launched in 2009, is regarded as one of the world's top 10 luxury cruise liners

Unbelievable. Where the f*ck do these tuk tuk drivers and tourist rip off mafia people get off acting as if it's their exclusive right to rip off each and every tourist, which comes to Phuket?

What a f*cking joke, trying to enforce a monopoly with thug tactics. Who the f*ck wants to get into a poxy little tuk tuk and pay five times the price offered by the nearest competitor when there are other legitimate business owners offering comfortable shuttle buses?

I've visited Phuket seven times in the last five years... at least once or twice each and every year. I enjoy the beautiful picturesque beach and islands and amenities within easy walking distance at Patong. But the rip offs, price fixing and service attitude gets WORSE with every visit.

From my last two visits, I can't believe I'm having to put up with unsolicited and deceptively imposed stops at tour agencies and paying 1,000 baht (two ways) just to get to and from the airport each visit in Phuket when the distance is almost the same in Bangkok (where the airport run is half the price).

I'm not going to bother anymore. I'll spend my next beach getaway in Krabi or Langkawi Island (Malaysia).