My attention was drawn to the page seeking sponsors for slum kids and orphans, to the plight of this boy .
At the moment there are only another 3 children on the website seeking sponsors for their schooling and upkeep. They add more every month or two. ... nsors.html

more about them
Akarawawut 'Bass' DOB: 11/11/97

Bass's mother was unable to care for the boys as their father had disappeared and her work did not bring enough money to feed and clothe them.

She placed 'Bass' and his older brother in a Mua Thai boxing camp where they were given accomodation in a dormitory and given food, in return for this they had to train at the camp and take part in Mua Thai Boxing matches in clubs and bars in Pattaya.

We sponsored both 'Bass' and his brother Phoomwit, Phoomwit is now at college whilst 'Bass' remains at the boxing camp, he attends a local school but still has to train and compete in matches in return for his keep.

The boys' mother is now working at one of Pattaya's shopping malls but because of finances she now lives at the camp with 'Bass'.