Me and my mate read the thread and the private messages and pissed ourselves laughing. The offers to "babysit" my straight friend whilst I go out cruising, even pay for his drinks was not considered. The suggestion that my friend was fem to be sharing a room with me a huge joke. He is a hairy hunk. We went to school together, played footy together and often work together during the harvest. This was the thread not going to quote.

The guy that said we should both go to the foam party on the 18th has not replied. Where, when and is it on just this month.
He said a bottle of Johnny Walker was about 1000 baht including ice and extras. He said wear old clothes or shorts and dont worry about being modest. MORE PLEASE. what does he mean you dance at the table?

If we meet anybody it will be our choice. We are not interested in going to someones house.

No we are not flying out of Sydney but Jetstar from Melbourne direct.

No I am not ajarn2. Why do you ask