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Thread: Lese Majeste - Babylon foam party outrage

  1. #1

    Lese Majeste - Babylon foam party outrage

  2. #2

    Not quite with it


    Is that supposed to be or a poor attempt at Queen Elizabeth II???

    Also, what is meant please about Chiang Mai??? Is Babylon open up there also, I honestly don't know.

    Just want to know!

  3. #3
    Less Majesty? Hell, yes, More booty.

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran TrongpaiExpat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That's the actress who played (quite well) the Queen. I wonder what would happen if England ran a add for a gay bath house with a member of the Royal family from Thailand? What was that add that had Thai authorities up in arms about, a soft drink or something?
    E Dok Tong

  5. #5
    "Is that supposed to be or a poor attempt at Queen Elizabeth II??? "

    "That's the actress"

    What parochial planet do some live on?

    That! is the brilliant Dame Helen Mirren who won a Best Actress Oscar this year for her portrayal of HM in The Queen (Elizabeth II) and was completely entrancing in the series Elizabeth I (HBO)


  6. #6
    I watched Elizabeth 1 and it was very good.

    The photo neither looks like HM Queen nor Helen Mirren"S PORTRAYAL. of the Queen.

    What kind of comment is that asking which Planet I am on???? Some of us are not glued to the goggle box like others.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    an alternative reality

    the real Queen

    this gorgeous gigastar says she was asked to play the role of The Queen but turned it down because she was too young..( she recommended Helen Mirren)

    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

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