This one has been bugging me a bit lately, mainly because of how so many people seem to view it. You know, when a farang sees a Thai-Farang couple, the perception many people have is, "oh, so there's the gold digger, and there's the loser who couldn't make it in his home country". You have to admit, that's the first thought that crosses many people's minds. Does anyone else find that frustrating?

I don't know, I guess it's becoming common knowledge throughout my family now that I'm in a serious relationship with a poverty born Thai from Issan, so the rumors are floating, and it's starting to aggravate me. For example, how is this any different than the 99.5% of Western women who search out a good man, who has a good career, and is making good money? Personally, I can't see much of a difference myself, except that the women are far more devious and two-faced in their endeavors.

I'm sorry, and maybe I'm delusional, but it's simply impossible for me to view Kim as a gold digger. Yes, he wants to be taken care of, yes I'm financially responsible, and yes I'm expected to help the family sometimes. I knew that going in, and I'm fine with that. But the same goes for millions of husbands out there, who know by going into a marriage, means they're now financially responsible for everything. How is this any different? You know, if Kim works 60 hours a week at a Thai BBQ restaurant, his monthly wage will be my hourly rate, so obviously I don't expect him to contribute financially. He's only going to work because he's bored, which I think is great. Personally, I would prefer he volunteered to help people, but whatever, his choice.

And the thing is, Kim is has a great heart, excellent morals, and is very upfront and honest (for the most part) about everything. He's the furthest thing from being devious and dishonest, and being someone just trying to extract money from me. I can honestly say with very little doubt that if he was a Thai-Canadian, living in Canada, with a good education, and all the opportunity that we take for granted, we'd still be together. He's basically just some guy who's saying, "well, here I am, here's the hand of cards I was dealt in life, and I'm doing what I can to provide a good life for myself and my family". I'm sorry, but I can think of MANY better examples of a gold digger and manipulator than that.

Another thing that gets me is how some people will naturally look down on Kim, just because he ended up being born a poverty stricken guy in Issan, as if it's his fault or choice, or something. Especially considering two little sperms could have completely reversed the tables on that little situation. And honestly, if people are going to judge that quickly, I'd almost say it says more about them, than it does about us. Not to mention, who are any of these people to pass judgment on us, or anyone else? It's not like they have the path to nirvana all figured out, or anything.

Anyway, does anyone else ever feel the same with their Thai BFs? Or is it just me being bitchy, because I'm sick? :P