HAPPY NEW YEAR with the Pattaya Street KidsтАЩ Support Project

Readers of Gay Tingtong Forum and those who have visited The Venue in Jomtien will be aware of the appeal to raise funds through the Pattaya Street Kids Support Project for the kids at the Huay Pong childrens home just outside Pattaya. The funds raised will be used exclusively to provide much need bedding, clothing, and sports equipment which the home has specifically requested. I do not wish to detract from that as these are much needed items.

But there is another appeal that goes out this time of year for funding to enable the childrens' New Year parties organised by PSKSP to take place. This benefits not only the 300 kids at the Huay Pong home, but another 400 kids from the slums within Pattaya plus the students in the Projects sponsorship programme. It only costs ┬г2.50 (less than $4) to sponsor one child at these parties and in previous years donations from Board members have enabled many children to have a great day out. Please read the following link: http://pattayastreetkids.homestead.c...es-appeal.html. Donations can be made by Paypal or credit card, or those in the UK can mail a cheque.

If you are able please enable a couple of kids who would not otherwsie be able to attend the party and make one day in their year special for them.