I have usually found the guys I spend time with to be exceptionally charming and friendly.
However, please allow me to repost a part of another post of mine on the Pattaya Report thread, as I would like to know other people's experiences with boys they continuously spend time with. Is it just me? Do I have the tipping routine all wrong? Excuse me while I quote myself. :clown:

One is small (everywhere, unfortunately) but is a great bottom and impossibly cute. He is also extremely affectionate and likes to cuddle up (read: great actor). The other is also a great bottom as well as being well-endowered and insatiable. So I choose according to my mood. Now I have offed this cutie a number of times, both at night and in the afternoon. On the way back to my hotel we passed a cabaret show and I asked him if he wanted to go in. He nodded, so in we went. As soon as we sat down he said: "Look. My friend working over there." He called him over and they chatted. I tipped the friend (No, I don't know why). He cuddled up to me during the show , gazed into my eyes and was all touchy feely. Anyway, back in the room, AFTER the deed (and his performance was exceptional, as usual) he asked for more money. MUCH more. I said I would not pay and suddenly his mood changed dramatically. He went from affectionate to snarley in record time. He stormed out of the room without so much as a goodbye.
I think I know what happened. He might have made arrangements to go out later with his friend in the bar and needed extra cash. He tells me he sleeps until 3 every afternoon (not a bad life) so I suppose he goes out and enjopys himself with his money. Nothing wrong with that.
I have been very good to him over the past week or so. Whenever I have been in the bar, I have been the only customer. I have bought him drinks, tipped his friend who shares his room, as well as his friend in his bar and the one in the cabaret bar last night, bought him meals etc. Well, he has shot himself in the foot as I will not be seeing him again. His cash cow has moved on to other pastures.
The other guy also pissed me off a little last night when he came over and asked for 40 baht. "Why? You have made lots of tips tonight," I said. His reply? "No, not for me. For my friend. He want to eat."
I guess familiarity DOES indeed breed contempt.
Well, does it?