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Thread: sunday evening pattaya

  1. #1

    sunday evening pattaya

    hi all, well the big days gettin close so i thought i ask if any of you guys in pattaya fancy meeting up in the town somewhere central to chat/drink and give me some local 'crack', suggest a bar i'll find easy tho, would really appreciate it for at least my first day/night in LOS
    cheers flip

  2. #2

    excellent response lads...not

    very suprised at nil response fella's, are you all at church or Sundays?

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I think it may have to do with your only having 18 posts..... your a kissing cousin to being a total stranger on here.

    Be a little more social on the board and the guys be social to you
    These are the good'ol days

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bucknaway
    I think it may have to do with your only having 18 posts..... your a kissing cousin to being a total stranger on here.

    Be a little more social on the board and the guys be social to you
    It seems to me that he's trying to be social. Or must one have at least 954 posts such as yourself of varying, and sometimes dubious, quality in order to be considered a worthy board member?

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Flipcarlise wants someone to give him some local "crack". That sounds a bit bizarre to the older establishment. Can someone translate that into English or French?

  6. #6
    Junior member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Kissing Cousins..

    I think it may have to do with your only having 18 posts..... your a kissing cousin to being a total stranger on here.

    Be a little more social on the board and the guys be social to you

    Being a very infrequent visitor to Thailand and new to the board. I do hope that I don't have to kiss those that post on here - so much more interesting things to kiss at the bars that are mentioned :cheers:

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    also need someone to translate what the hell flip is talking about with the "crack" reference..

    If you want to meet fellow farangs, tell us something about you and per chance a reason why we would want
    to meet you. Offering to buy someone a drink works wonders althou you sometimes get what you pay for.
    Too bad some of the local con men are not in town or I am sure they would have responded especially if you
    indicate you have some funds for them to work on relieving you from.. :cat:

    Best thing to do if you want to meet farangs is to go to the beer bars at nite and be friendly. Try Panarama or
    Oscars in the Boyztown area or one of the beer bars in Sunee. Smile, be friendly and open and someone will
    initate you into the farang society of Pattaya.. You may regret it but at least you will get your feet wet and be
    on your way into farang society.
    Day time, Jomtien beach is the place to meet farangs.

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines


    PG use to host a get together once a month or so, maybe our Good friend Hedda or Bg would be available. Just joking, it was a good idea and I got to meet lots of people and was able to put faces to some of the names and find out some real names as well, although you can't use them here they are remembered. Maybe if Smiles is in town he could host such a get together where everyone pays for their own drink or no drink at all. Seems I remember getting the bill the last time.

    All the Best!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by francois
    Flipcarlise wants someone to give him some local "crack". That sounds a bit bizarre to the older establishment. Can someone translate that into English or French?
    "Crack" = "conversation"

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by pronto
    Quote Originally Posted by francois
    Flipcarlise wants someone to give him some local "crack". That sounds a bit bizarre to the older establishment. Can someone translate that into English or French?
    "Crack" = "conversation"
    Hmmm, that still doesn't quite make sense:

    "to chat/drink and give me some local 'crack'" = "to chat/drink and give me some local conversation"???

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