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Thread: Check out the ID cards

  1. #1

    Check out the ID cards

    BS recently lost his ID card (again!!!) Last time it happened it meant a trip up north to home town to get a new one., This tiome however he had enough papers with him to get it done here in Pattaya, and I noticed that the nice bright new card had his name and date of birth in English as well as Thai, so it is easy now to check ages. Of course not everyone will have the new cards yet, but gradually they will take over.

  2. #2

    Re: Check out the ID cards

    Quote Originally Posted by gwm4asian
    BS recently lost his ID card (again!!!) Last time it happened it meant a trip up north to home town to get a new one., This tiome however he had enough papers with him to get it done here in Pattaya, and I noticed that the nice bright new card had his name and date of birth in English as well as Thai, so it is easy now to check ages. Of course not everyone will have the new cards yet, but gradually they will take over.
    Thats good news.
    Another thing to consider is the incredible frequency that Thais just lend out their ID cards to friends.
    So best to have a good look at the picture too!

  3. #3

    Not just renewals

    As each Thai child reaches the age where they must carry an ID card, they should be issued of the new ones. So for the next few years, if you see a new card there'll be a good chance the owner is gaol-bait

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    What!!!...a change that actually makes sense???

    That's great news...what next???

    Maybe they'll actually make the motorbike boys hand out helmets that actually fit on your head...what a concept!

  5. #5
    I wonder how many actually serve jail time.I know theres a Aussie in a Thailand jail who is serving 20 years for sex with underage girls,apparantly he has served 11 years already so only 9 to go.
    I dont know how many more because some names are not published but i do remember this guys trial and i heard he s still in there and cant get a prisoner transfer as the Thai Govt wont grant him one .
    So theres a lot more.How about the 20yo pommy guy serving 42 years jail sentenced Nov 2004 for sex with underage boys in BKK.
    If the Thai govt refuses your transfer then your F.....D !
    So dont break the law.

  6. #6

    Yep, seen them


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