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Thread: How much do you trust boys?

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    How much do you trust boys?

    When I off boys I'm very careful to make sure no valuable property is left lying around my room. For me an room safe is essential like those in the Ambiance hotel But I have to safeguard items like my laptop and camera that don't fit it there.
    I chatted to someone on the beach who once lost several hundred dollars by accidentally leaving his room safe open. He thought the boy had removed the money whilst he was in the shower but he didn't notice the loss for a couple of days. He had the boy short term from GR who didn't appear there again whilst he was in Pattaya.

  2. #2

    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    Since I'm a dizzy old cow, I don't keep significant quantities of cash in the room - I use Caxton Currency Cards so I don't lose all my cash and I have secondary cards on those in case I lose the dammned cards!

    I have a small "netbook" (before Ipads were invented") which fits in most in-room safes.

    Having said all that, I routinely leave everything lying abound and in 11/12 years have never had anything stolen by a boy - a female non-sexual visitor however made off with a pair of (genuine) Oakley sunglasses. The only slight feeling of satisfaction I got from that, was the anticipation of her trying to wear or sell what she didn't realise were PRESCRIPTION sunglasses - rather like the time in Brussels, when a rentboy in a bar ripped the Rolex from my wrist and sped out the door....you've guessed it.....night market BKK. :hah:

  3. #3

    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    Over many years and over many trips I to have never had anything stolen and whilst I do always lock my wallet, Ipad and "UK" wallet filled with my UK traveling currency and several credit cards etc in the safe ( more so that I don't lose them rather than anything else) I don't put my Thai wallet in there when I get home each evening ( well unless I've brought home some I consider a bit dodgy but that's a 1:20 situation) and whilst I might take my wallet out of my trouser pocket and perhaps "bury it" somewhere in my case / clothes when the boys not in the bed room I never go to too much trouble about that.

    However I am always aware not to be stupid and leave chucks of cash or my cards lying on tables etc as whilst I've no doubt the boys are basically honest I think that to leave maybe four or five months wages lying about in front of them is just asking fore trouble and maybe putting them in a position that THEY wouldn't like to find themselves, so I think a bit of common sense and mutual respect for not rubbing the boys nose in how much he "thinks" you have is the key - and also of course paying them well and on time for their services hence them knowing there's no NEED to rob you in the first place. So so far all good - touch wood !!

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005

    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy

    I routinely leave everything lying abound and in 11/12 years have never had anything stolen by a boy
    Same...same. 12 years and nothing ever stolen from my room by a boy.

    Why should they resort to stealing to abtain small amounts of cash and trivial gadgets when they can apply advanced manipulating techniques which are perfectly legal to obtain the lion's share.

    All kidding aside, I never invite street trade to my room and allow my Bank to do what it does best - and that's protect my money.

  5. #5
    Senior member Gaybutton's Avatar
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    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    This has been discussed many times over the years. We get stories posted by people who say they've never had a problem with a boy trying to steal anything and opposite stories ranging from people who have had everything happen to them from minor losses to being practically wiped out.

    I think it all boils down to one thing: You have no way of knowing whether a stranger you're bringing to your room can be trusted or not. While most boys are probably perfectly honest and wouldn't dream of stealing from you, how do you know which boys they are?

    The way I always recommend dealing with it is to eliminate as much of the potential for a problem as you can. If your room has a safe, keep as much of your valuables as you can in the safe. Don't leave cash or valuable items where your "guest" can easily see them. If you have nowhere else to put items like cameras, camcorders, notebook computers, or whatever, hide them in your luggage or wherever they'll be out of sight and least easily accessible. When you go out, don't carry any more cash than you intend to spend or can afford to lose.

    If those suggestions don't make you feel safe enough, there are other ways to avoid potential problems. One is to take the boy only for "short time," which means after you have done whatever it is you brought him to your room to do, that's when you give him his "tip" and say good night. Just make sure he is never out of your sight. Wait until after he leaves before you shower - unless, of course, you shower together. I realize many want his "guest" to spend the night with them or have taken a boy "off" for several days, but if you are concerned about what the boy might do while you are asleep, then "short time" is one solution.

    You also don't have to take him to your room at all. There are plenty of "short time" rooms available and now Pattaya has several "short time" hotels, and some of the rooms are not only inexpensive, but quite luxurious. Also, instead of taking him to your room, you might go to his room instead. Either of those prevents him from getting to your room at all. Just make sure you've left your room key with the desk clerk instead of having it with you.

    If you're careful and take common sense precautions, there is very little chance that anything will happen. The vast majority of holiday makers who come here never have any problem at all - even when they do leave things out where the boy can get to them. But remember, if leaving only a few thousand baht around doesn't seem like much to you, that might be several months worth of the money he normally makes. Do what you can so the temptation isn't there or isn't visible. This is where that old adage, "Lead us not into temptation . . ." makes sense. Don't lead him into it.

  6. #6
    Senior member
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    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    I have little sympathy for victims of "offing"- theft.
    We all know that the guys are much poorer than us and that some are absolutely desperate for money...to pay room, to help Mama or even to eat.
    So to leave expensive "toys" around or, even worse, cash, is not only stupid but wrong.
    In doing so, the falang is tempting a younger person whose circumstances may well beyond anything that the falang has ever experienced.

    Nevertheless, my fifteen years experience suggests that Thais are remarkably honest despite the insensitive behaviour of some falangs. Some posters may recall Blue Star in Soi Twilight, back in the 90s. On one occasion, I dropped my wallet and walked out the bar only to be followed by two of the go-go boys calling me back. It was one of my first visits to Thailand; and it taught me a lesson I do not forget.

    For what it's worth I've never had any money or goods stolen from my room. How can I be sure? Easy; I've never left anything around that could be stolen.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland

    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    The only thing I've had stolen in Pattaya was my heart :crybaby:
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  8. #8

    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    Quote Originally Posted by joe552
    The only thing I've had stolen in Pattaya was my heart :crybaby:
    Let's face it, your virginity was already long gone.


  9. #9
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland

    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    Indeed - I lost my virginity around the same time I lost my mind :old:
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005

    Re: How much do you trust boys?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaybutton

    I think it all boils down to one thing: You have no way of knowing whether a stranger you're bringing to your room can be trusted or not. While most boys are probably perfectly honest and wouldn't dream of stealing from you, how do you know which boys they are?
    I agree with the part about most boys being perfectly honest who wouldn't dream of stealing your money, but not so sure I agree with the question..."How do you know which boys they are"?

    The boys who have nice polite personalities (good karma) who are employed in the beer bars and gogo's are almost always a good bet especially if you get good vibes being with him....and I'm not talking about those vibes between your legs either. I think if a person follows his instincts and focuses a little on "the person" he will do alright. Maybe that's why some farang never have things stolen from them - and conversely, others have to hide their $25 Timex in the safe every time a boy enters their room.

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